Your relationship with Moss Immigration Law begins with an intake and lawyer consultation. At this consultation, a lawyer will have a conversation with you about your immigration options, whether it’s coming to the U.S permanently or temporarily. The lawyer will gather the necessary information to provide you with your options, answer your questions, and provide an estimate of fees and costs.
If we agree to start our attorney-client relationship, our office will set up a contract signing appointment. The contract will set out the attorney fees, expected expenses, and clearly identify the scope of work and responsibilities. At this meeting, and through our partnership, we will create a strategy, review timelines, and set deadlines and responsibilities. We will give you detailed checklists to assist in the gathering of information and documents that we need best serve you and win your case.
Once we have our path forward, we will give you detailed checklists to assist in the gathering of information and documents that we need best serve you and win your case. We work with you to gather the best information and documents to prepare and submit your case.
We work diligently to prepare and submit the strongest application or petition. Even if the government pushes back at us with requests for evidence or notices of intent to deny, we fight those at every turn with strong responses.
Immigration law was put together carelessly over the years and is consistently changing. That is why, throughout your case, we constantly review and research immigration law and policy to make sure that we are up-to-date with any changes and continue to have a deep knowledge of the law. This is to serve your interests the best we can.
This can be the most frustrating time in the process because we must wait on the U.S. government to make a decision on your case. Still, you can rest assured that we are still following your case. You can contact us for updates during this time.
After approval, we guide you and through the visas process so you smoothly enter the U.S. If you are already in the U.S., we make sure your change of status happens as quickly as possible.
Unfortunately, even with our best efforts and a strong case, the immigration agency processing your case may deny it. If this happens, we'll go over your appeal options, costs, and strengths. Appealing takes time and money, but many times we can get an approval at this stage.